The aim of this module is to introduce students to the concept, theories and principles of development communication, the role of development communication in development, and the process, tools and techniques of communication to bring about social change. It will provide students the understanding of how to design and evaluate communication interventions and tools in different context and situations.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the module, learners will be able to:

·       Measure height, girth, bark thickness, and diameter of trees and logs,

·       Maintain the instrument used for measuring diameter, girth, height, and bark thickness.

·       Detect sources of error in measuring,

·       Classify girth and diameter into classes,

·       Estimate crown closure and express in percentage,

·       Calculate volumes of standing trees, logs and sawn timbers using different methods

·       Use general volume table to calculate volume for forest stands and trees,

·       Measure and calculate cull percentage,

·       Layout the sample plots for collecting inventory data,

·       Carry out the field work and record the data in compass and tally sheets.