Module Code and Title         : OAG406 Organic Regulations, Standards & Certification

Programme                            : BSc in Organic Agriculture

Credit value                             12

Module Tutor                        : Sonam Tashi


General objective

The module aims to provide an understanding of the requirement and evolution of standards, regulation and certification in organic agriculture. The module will discuss how consumer and societal values can be addressed via standards, regulations and other incentives. The module will cover global and local situations and relevant standards and certification processes. Through this module student will learn the practical relevance and implementation of standards and certification for marketing and trade of organic produce.


Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

·         Explain the need for standards and certification in organic agriculture.

·         Discuss international Organic standards and certification procedures.

·         Explain the processes and costs involved in organic certification.

·         Analyse the standards and conversion process of organic agriculture.

·         Discuss Bhutan Organic Guarantee System and its application

·         Interpret Bhutan Organic Standards, Certification Guidelines and Internal Control Systems and their application.

·         Identify and describe the different assurance systems (Third Party Certification, Local Organic Assurance System and Participatory Guarantee System) for organic production.

·         Discuss the implications of international regulations and standards on organic trade and marketing.

·         Compare alternative certification systems.

·         Explain the importance of different certification labels and logos and their implications in trade and marketing.

·         Suggest viable alternative certification systems.